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ASCO 시리즈 202 Preciflow 솔레노이드 밸브는 의료 장비 및 분석 계측기의 유량을 정밀하게 제어하도록 설계되었습니다. 또한 코일에 대한 전기 입력 신호를 변화시켜 공기와 불활성 가스의 유량을 비례적으로 제어하도록 설계되었습니다. 고도로 신뢰할 수 있는 컴팩트 밸브로 가스 크로마토그래피, 질량 유량 제어기, 치과 장비, 혈압 모니터링 기기 등의 어플리케이션에 적합합니다.
ASCO and AVENTICS Proportional Technology | Brochure (DE)
Broschüre: ASCO- und AVENTICS-Proportionaltechnik
Broschüre: Maschinenautomatisierung Automation | ASCO | AVENTICS
Broschüre: Rapid Engineered Solutions | ASCO
Broschüre: Übersicht Pneumatik-Produkte | AVENTICS
Flyer: Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzelle
European Catalog: Series 202 Proportionalventil
European Catalog: Series 202 Proportionalventil Preciflow 19mm
European Catalog: Series 202 Proportionalventil Preciflow IPC
European Catalog: Series I12-I23-I34 Wegeventil mit Stahlschieber
Katalog: Baureihe 202 Preciflow Proportionalventil – 12.7mm | ASCO
Catalog: Series 202 Preciflow Proportional Valves - 12.7mm | ASCO
Catalog: Series 202 Preciflow-15mm | ASCO
Catalog: Series 202 Preciflow-IPC-Preciflow 19mm | ASCO
ASCO and AVENTICS Proportional Technology | Brochure
ASCO and AVENTICS Proportional Technology | Brochure (EN-GB)
Brochure: Industrial Analyzers | ASCO
Brochure: Machine Automation | ASCO | AVENTICS
Brochure: Rapid Engineered Solutions | ASCO
Flyer: Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Emerson custom engineered valve manifold
Catálogo: Válvulas proporcionales Preciflow Serie 202 - 12,7 mm | ASCO
ASCO and AVENTICS Proportional Technology | Brochure (ES)
Folleto : Celdas de Combustible de Hidrógeno - Español
Folleto : Soluciones de Ingeniería Rápidas | ASCO
Folleto: Automatización de máquinas | ASCO | AVENTICS
Folleto: Tecnología Proporcional | ASCO-AVENTICS
Brochure : Analyseurs Industriels | ASCO
Brochure : Conception rapide de solutions | ASCO
Brochure : Machine Automation | ASCO | AVENTICS
Brochure : Technologie proportionnelle ASCO et AVENTICS
Flyer: Piles à combustible à hydrogène | TESCOM
Catalogo: valvole proporzionali Preciflow serie 202 - 12,7mm | ASCO
ASCO and AVENTICS Proportional Technology | Brochure (IT)
Brochure: Analizzatori Industriali | ASCO
Brochure: Automazione Macchine| ASCO | AVENTICS
Brochure: Soluzioni Pneumatiche | AVENTICS
Flyer: Cella a combustibile a idrogeno
Brossúra: Rapid Engineered Solutions | ASCO
Broszura: Aktywna współpraca w tworzeniu rozwiązań inżynierskich | ASCO
Broszura: Automatyka maszynowa | ASCO | AVENTICS
Brožúra: Rýchle Technické Riešenia | ASCO
ASCO and AVENTICS Proportional Technology | Brochure (RU)
Брошюра: Оперативные инженерные решения | ASCO
Certificate: EAC TR CU 010/2011 Non Ex products | ASCO
Certificate: EAC TR CU 012/2011 Ex products | ASCO
产品目录:202 系列 Preciflow 比例阀 - 12.7mm | ASCO
宣传册: ASCO快速工程解决方案
手册:工业分析仪器 | ASCO
比例技术 | ASCO-AVENTICS - China
전단지: 수소 연료 전지 – 한국어
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