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온/오프 및 공정 제어 어플리케이션에 적합한 비방해적 지능형 FS(Fail-Safe) 선형 액추에이터 견고하고 컴팩트한 기계식 스프링 리턴 설계는 전원 또는 신호 손실 시 FS(Fail-Safe) 작동을 유발할 수 있습니다. 초전력 또는 배터리 백업에 의존하지 않는 이 최첨단 설계는 석유 및 가스, 전력, 화학, HVAC, 상하수 산업용 밸브에 광범위하게 사용됩니다.
ATEX-CM, FL, FQ Models Certificate of Approval
CSA-CM32 Base Model Certificate of Compliance-Class Div
CSA-CM32 Base Model Certificate of Compliance-Class Zone
CSA-CM64 Base Model Certificate of Compliance-Class Zone
IECEx Certificate of Approval
LVD Certificate of Approval
QAN Certificate of Approval
SIL FL Fail Safe Linear Model Manufacturer's Declaration
Bettis Electric Actuators Product Selection Guide
Brochure: Bettis Actuation Solutions Portfolio
Brochure: Bettis RTS Electric Actuators Brochure
Manual: Operating Manual for Bettis RTS FL Series, Bettis-EN
Manuals: Bettis RTS - Connectivity with Modbus TCP, Bettis-EN
Manuals: Bettis RTS - Connectivity with PROFINET, Bettis-EN
Manuals: Bettis RTS - FQ and FL Series Fail-Safe Handwheel Operation Manual
Manuals: Bettis RTS - Firmware Update via MicroSD Card
Manuals: Bettis RTS - MUSE (Multi-Turn Sensor) User Guide
Manuals: Bettis RTS - Partial Valve Stroke Test (PVST), Bettis-EN
Manuals: Bettis RTS - Troubleshooting Guide I - Standard
Manuals: Bettis RTS 24V Fail-Safe Power Supply Modification
Manuals: Bettis RTS Checklist and Maintenance, Bettis-EN
Manuals: Bettis RTS Extension Board for Modbus RTU
Manuals: Bettis RTS HART Upgrade Kit - Conversion Instructions
Manuals: Bettis RTS Profibus, Bettis-EN
Manuals: Bettis RTS Relay Board (RP3E6A), Bettis-EN
Manuals: Bettis RTS Relay Board (RP4AF), Bettis-EN
Data Sheets: RTS FL Series, Bettis-EN
Brochure: Automazione comprovata per liquefazione, trasporto su navi metaniere e rigassificazione del GNL
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