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자동화 전문가 블로그 - 밸브, 액추에이터 및 레귤레이터에서 더 많은 게시글 확인하기
에머슨은 에너지, 전력, 화학, 생명 과학 및 광업용 공정제어, 격리 및 안전 밸브 솔루션을 제공하는 글로벌 기업입니다. 에머슨은 자동화 기술을 통해 수년간 운영 최적화를 주도해 왔습니다. 현장에서 입증된 에머슨의 전문 기술을 바탕으로 저공해 전략을 실현하십시오.
Supercritical fluids are often found in carbon capture, ethylene, and hydrogen refining processes, and they pose unique equipment selection challenges, particularly for control valves. Our article on pages 45-50 in the February issue of Hydrocarbon Engineering, titled “Demystifying Control Valve Selection,” discusses key supercritical fluid applications, and it provides guidance for sizing and...
자세히 보기Here’s a brief 1:40 YouTube video, Treating control valve noise with Fisher Whisper technology, that shares how the bar continues to be raised for control valve noise reduction by reducing sound pressure levels to a manageable level with Fisher Whisper technology. More innovations to come!
자세히 보기This article discusses a recently introduced PRV design that replaces bellows with a balanced diaphragm. This new balancing technology can be installed as an upgrade to standard bellows PRVs, and it extends backpressure limits while providing greater flow capacity than a similarly sized balanced bellows PRV.
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